Summit Park

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Consultation has concluded.

Share your thoughts on the proposed renovations of the Summit Park playground amenities.

The 2023 Capital Budget considered the replacement of the Summit Park playground, widening and replacement of the walkways, and basketball court resurfacing. During budget consultation, Council inquired if staff could investigate additional amenities including lights for the existing basketball court and a new fitness park.

This expanded renovation of Summit Park was brought forth for consideration to both the Accessibility Advisory Committee and the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee in June of 2023. Committee discussions and recommendations highlighted the need for public consultation to ensure age appropriate, inclusive, and accessible play amenities and signage. Accordingly, we are encouraging the public to provide input to help steer the final design and construction of the playground amenities.


We encourage you to provide input through the below survey to help steer the final design of this park. The survey link will be active from July 24, 2023, to August 11, 2023. Staff will present a report to Council in September 2023 with recommendations based on public input.

Share your thoughts on the proposed renovations of the Summit Park playground amenities.

The 2023 Capital Budget considered the replacement of the Summit Park playground, widening and replacement of the walkways, and basketball court resurfacing. During budget consultation, Council inquired if staff could investigate additional amenities including lights for the existing basketball court and a new fitness park.

This expanded renovation of Summit Park was brought forth for consideration to both the Accessibility Advisory Committee and the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee in June of 2023. Committee discussions and recommendations highlighted the need for public consultation to ensure age appropriate, inclusive, and accessible play amenities and signage. Accordingly, we are encouraging the public to provide input to help steer the final design and construction of the playground amenities.


We encourage you to provide input through the below survey to help steer the final design of this park. The survey link will be active from July 24, 2023, to August 11, 2023. Staff will present a report to Council in September 2023 with recommendations based on public input.

Share your comments and feedback about the Summit Park design.

Introduction message

Consultation has concluded.

I agree with comments below suggesting a pickleball court. We currently drive to one of the new courts in Aurora or up to the courts at Quaker Hill in Newmarket. Summit Park is walkable for us.

What kind of survey has been done to confirm the number of people that would use the outdoor fitness equipment or splash pad? I don't see either of those as something I would use personally, but the parks need to be designed with many age ranges in consideration so I can see the popularity of the splash pad below but not the fitness equipment.

David Turner 9 months ago

I have lived across the street from the park for 25 years. Over the last 6 years the park maintenance has been very poor and the town's excuse for poor maintenance is no budget. The play equipment and courts are in good shape and spending taxes to upgrade is of little value. There are dead trees as well as poor bush and grass maintenance. The spring dandelions are hard on the kids while they play and the limitations of the fall leaf collection, make the park property a problem neighbor. We should use the proposed reconstruction money to maintain the park properly for many years for all to enjoy. Reducing the green space and increasing hard surface equipment for the park is very costly and disruptive to all

Dave 9 months ago

Looks great but a splash pad in the area would be so appreciated. We live in the area and walk to Summit Park on a regular basis. There is not one splash pad in the area we are able to walk to. Almost every other community in Aurora has a splash pad and would be great if we could have one as well. Thank you!

Lisa 9 months ago

We need a dedicated pickle ball court on this side of town. There is plenty of space here to put one in.

The children’s playground needs to be maintained in a better manner than in the past. It is often overgrown and dirty. It needs to also be modernized in terms of play equipment.

The workout space is an awesome idea.

I have not seen the soccer field be used once this year, nor the baseball diamond. Not sure why.

Andrea Gray 9 months ago

Our household likes the new design. I do not agree with some of the comments that the fitness area is not needed. It will be a nice addition which older kids can use. Would be nice to have a shaded bench area. For the surface of the playground, I am hoping that soft rubber can be used, NOT mulch or sand as it attracts pets to use as a toilet.

Irina K 9 months ago

After looking at the plans: The playground area may be expanded, but there is very little play scape equipment on it. There should be a wow factor to the playscapes, one for toddlers to grade one. Another playscape to interest the older children. There is too much wasted space of empty ground.

As for the exercise area, not many people will use this equipment at all. This area is mostly people that are older and retired or young parents with children mixed. This could be put to better use for all to enjoy not just a few.

There is nothing that is for the older citizens and nothing of water like a splash pad, fountains for dogs to drink from and better lighting. Please revisit the plans and make this park really special for all not just a few. It is time this park has the wow factor in this Aurora West area.

Candida Woodruff 9 months ago

I like many people in the Summit Park area, for decades have wanted this park to be updated to be a wonderful recreational and appealing park for all. A park of its size could provide areas for the very young for the elderly, as well as use of sports fields and courts for the sports clubs and individuals to use.

One of the things that many would like to see is a splash pad for the many children of the area and west of Yonge street and north of Wellington St. W. The closest for any of these children is the Town Park or other splash pads in other parks to the East of Yonge St.
There are no splash pads west of Young St. Yet there are many children in this section of Aurora. Just west of Yonge St to Bathurst St. and north of Wellington St. W. there are at least 4 elementary schools. This is a lot of children out in the summer months. Also many people are now of an age to have many grandchildren to entertain. With climate change and hotter summers, it is important to have these cooling areas in a park nearby.
Also the play ground needs to be updated to a more expandable playground that has a section for the little toddlers to grade one and then a play scape for the older children. One that would keep their interest.
If at all possible, it would be great if the park had a fairly large open shelter with a solid roof, in the case of heavy rain happening unexpectedly for the sports spectators, playground children and parents or the elderly in the park. Maybe a picnic table to three tables under the shelter.
There should be comfortable benches along the path ways and more shade providing trees for older citizens who like to exercise by walking with purpose but they get tired and like to have places to rest and maybe look at a nice flower bed or two.
It would be great to have more lighting as well at the darker times for safer walks in the park and more use of the park. The size of this park has so much potential for so much more use of it.
The basketball court needs more lighting and so does the soccer and baseball fields.

All these are valuable ideas for the planning of a great Summit Park

Candida Woodruff 9 months ago

We live across from the park and visit multiple times per day.
Expanding the walkway is both unnecessary and a waste of money.
Plant deciduous trees along the paved path to provide shade during hot summer days.

The park should be a meeting place so that citizens can do things that are not available elsewhere. It should be a place where people can come together and do collective things that cannot be done at a residence. Following that idea, the fitness section is usually a single person activity, it does not allow for interaction like a multiple person activity / team sport. (tennis, basketball, soccer, baseball).

Pickleball would be an ideal activity to add to the park given its recent growth in popularity at all ages.
Volleyball court (sand based) and a badminton area would both be welcomed.

Living across from the park, the children's play area is well used and the equipment is in good condition, so why waste money on replacing it just because it is a trendy thing to do?

Widening the walkway is a complete waste of money as the walkway is in good condition and there is no reason to widen it. Also, consider plowing the walkway in winter for those young families with carriages. (Sleds are the obvious answers but if the sidewalks are clear, this would allow travel through the park as well.)

The parking lot , however, needs to be repaved and drain reset as it is a pool during heavy rains.

Provide benches to view the baseball field, soccer field, tennis courts, basketball courts and along the pathway so young families and seniors can rest for a moment and enjoy some quiet time. I don't think that the metal stands overlooking the soccer field have been used in any substantial way in years.

The basketball court needs to be repaved as it is quite coarse. Perhaps illumination would be appropriate provided there is an 11pm shut-off.

As there now is a port-a-potty , how about a water fountain?
How about moving the 2 picnic benches away from the port-a -potty?

I am constantly picking up litter left by others and am a believer that once one piece of litter is one the ground, others are more inclined to litter. Place trash receptacles adjacent to every sector in the park including the childrens area where there currently are none. If you put benches beside the basketball court, put a trash receptacle between them.

The park's activity is concentrated next to the parking lot (tennis courts, basketball court and playground.) Why not locate new facilities in different sections of the park to help spread out the concentration of both people and noise?

Again, the park should be a place where people come together. Whatever the new facilities are, maintain them and keep them safe and litter-free. As for those concerned about noise from people enjoying outdoor activities, it is better that teens and others engage in sports rather than other not so wholesome activities.

Tom Robinson 10 months ago

We have backed onto Summit Park since 1990. Our kids used it and our grandchildren are using it. I am thrilled that it is going to get some much needed attention. I wondered what ground cover will be used for the fitness area? The mulch in the playground area has been terrible for years. Would it continue to be mulch or would it be changed to the rubber-based matting? I am hoping that the trees that are there will remain and that more trees will be planted for much needed shade. More park benches would be lovely and perhaps a couple of picnic tables. Please consider how seniors might use the park as well. Perhaps the fitness are could include areas where people could do Tai Chi or other such activity. A walking track? Perhaps a table with a checker board? Chess board? Although there are soccer nets in the park, we don't see any games anymore. I was told it was because the field isn't regulation size. Is this true? We miss seeing the kids out there. Our grandson loves going to the baseball diamond to practice his hitting (he is 6). We love seeing everyone walking through the park, taking their dogs on walks, kids learning to ride their bikes on the walkway. Would the walkway be plowed in the winter? This would be a good way to keep people active all year round. The kids like to toboggan down the hill behind the playground. Thanks so much. We were thrilled to receive the letter from the Town and see the sign up as you enter the park. Martha and Don Bailkowski

Martha Bailkowski 10 months ago

Our home backs onto Summit Park, so we have personal insight into who uses it and how often. The Park is well used and enjoyed by people of all ages from the surrounding neighbourhood. It is a great place to take kids to the playground, fly a kite, play some basketball or tennis, get some exercise, or just go for a walk. It is enjoyed by many sports groups: soccer, softball, football, frisbee, etc. It also has become a de facto "leash free" dog park for local pets, which has caused no problems so far. I like the proposed plan as it would upgrade existing facilities and add additional features to the park. However, I object to the installation of lighting in the basketball court. Basketball is a noisy activity, with the ball hitting the pavement and the metal hoop, plus excited shouting in the heat of a game. Of course, this is not a problem during the day. However, at night it would cause a major disturbance for those adjacent to the park who want to enjoy the quiet of the evening. By all means, proceed with the plan, but cancel lighting the basketball court.

Peter and Diane 10 months ago

Plan proposal looks great. The fitness area would be an awesome bonus. I don't live adjacent to the park so this is more just a general thought, but would the lights be on a timer/sensor or would there be a way for people to turn them on/off when they need to? If I lived right beside maybe that would be a concern for me, but that's the only thing I can think of. Everything looks great and I'm excited to see it happen!

LOT 10 months ago

Your plan looks great. My husband and I live directly behind the tennis courts. We are concerned that the increased traffic to the park with the new and updated areas will create a lot more foot traffic behind our house. These tennis courts are very busy and in an effort to create more privacy we have planted trees. In the past the town planted 2 evergreen trees to help create a screen and limit the number of balls that end up in our backyard and pool, but it is not enough. We would like to request some additional trees be planted to aid in the privacy and buffer to our home from this highly trafficked area of the park. Our home is the only one that directly backs onto the tennis courts and requires some additional thought to protecting the privacy of a taxpayer. The plan is a good one and we are very supportive of your improvements. With some support from the town for our property in this plan we are completely on board.

spaolini 10 months ago

I would highly recommend to have Basketball or Volleyball court with skating like OAK RIDGES Community park instead having Fitness concept.

Mehdi Agha Miri 10 months ago

If there is a choice in allocating budget, I would like to see more invested in the basketball court given the popularity of the sport and lack of availability of courts for kids in the area

Marshall 10 months ago